Principal Page

Lori Young


Dear Families and Students,

Welcome to Lukas Elementary, home of the Mighty Skywalkers! Lukas opened its doors over thirty years ago and has been proudly serving the Westminster, Broomfield, and Standley Lake Area communities ever since. We believe our school is the heart of the community and we work tirelessly to model shared values that connect Lukas with the neighbors and businesses that surround us. Whether you are a current or prospective student or family, we invite you to peruse our website and learn more what makes us so special.

As Skywalker,s we have much to be proud of, including:

  • A focus on the whole child, with a commitment to social-emotional learning, problem-solving, and conflict resolution at all grade levels. We have:
    • A full-time school social worker on staff who leads a variety of group and private counseling sessions with students.
    • A full-time restorative practices coordinator who has created a Calm Room for students to go to when they need to take a break or refocus in a positive manner.
    • All staff trained in restorative practices, community circles, and use of Second Step curriculum. These practices help us build a strong school and classroom culture and community.
  • Differentiated and project-based learning focused on foundational skills to support acceleration in science, technology, the arts, and mathematics. This includes:
    • ROCKET Days, which are teacher and student co-designed days of project-based learning centered on our district’s Jeffco Generations strategic plan and vision. Students choose from sessions that highlight self-direction and personal responsibility, leading by influence, collaboration, civic and global engagement, and creative thinking.
    • WIN Time, which is a highly individualized time each day in which students are similarly grouped based on what they need. Students at or above grade level receive accelerated learning. Students who are on grade level receive enrichment and students who are below grade level receive interventions in reading or math.

Our students are active leaders at our school. All students shared in re-designing our positive behavior system, now known at The FORCE, which stands for Fantastic Thinking, Own It, Respect, Collaborate, and Engage. Students created videos to teach their peers about The FORCE, several of which are posted on our website. Our student council produces Skywalker News, a student-created newscast, and organizes several student-selected donation drives for area businesses.

Our families are supportive, fun, and engaging. Our PTA spearheads several events, including Skywalker Sprint (a running fundraiser for our school), the Spring Fling (a parent social that also supports our school), restaurant nights, and other events that bring the community together. Many families volunteer at the school and support students’ academic pursuits.

Through Jeffco’s School Age Enrichment (SAE) program, Lukas is able to provide before and after school care to many working families. Lukas will also provide information on virtual enrichment opportunities through our trusted partners, such as Sticky Fingers (cooking).

On behalf of the entire Lukas Elementary community, welcome to our school!